Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale
The Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to help diagnose ADHD in children. While there is also a teacher version available, the parent rating scale allows you to evaluate your child's symptoms at home and in other settings, providing valuable insights into their behavior and functioning.
Last Updated: 4 February, 2025
- Length: 10-15 minutes
- Questions: 55 questions
- Age Range: 6-12 years
- Respondent: Parent/Teacher
About the Vanderbilt Parent Rating Scale
The Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS) is a behavioral assessment tool that helps parents evaluate their child's ADHD symptoms and common co-existing conditions. While the assessment system includes both parent and teacher versions, this guide focuses on the parent rating scale:
- Parent Assessment Scale (VADPRS) - Primary tool for parents to evaluate their child's behavior
- Teacher Assessment Scale (VADTRS) - Complementary assessment completed by teachers
As a parent, you'll answer questions about your child's ADHD symptoms and behaviors that might indicate other conditions such as oppositional-defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety, and depression. You'll also assess your child's performance in academic and social settings.
Key Features
- Comprehensive evaluation of ADHD symptoms across different settings
- Assessment of co-existing conditions
- Performance evaluation in academic and social domains
- Aligned with DSM-5 diagnostic criteria
- Validated for use in clinical and research settings
How It Works
The Vanderbilt Scale uses a 4-point rating system for behavioral symptoms:
- Never (0)
- Occasionally (1)
- Often (2)
- Very Often (3)
Performance in academic and social areas is rated on a 5-point scale from "Excellent" to "Problematic." The combination of symptom ratings and performance measures helps create a comprehensive understanding of the child's functioning across different domains.
Vanderbilt Online Parents Rating Scale
Frequently Asked Questions
As a parent, you should complete the parent version (VADPRS) if you have concerns about your child's behavior. Your child's teacher may also be asked to complete the teacher version (VADTRS) to provide additional insights about behavior in the school environment.
The scale typically takes 10-15 minutes to complete. Both parent and teacher versions contain similar numbers of questions and should be completed thoughtfully to ensure accurate assessment.
No, the Vanderbilt Scale is just one component of a comprehensive ADHD evaluation. A proper diagnosis requires a complete clinical assessment by a qualified healthcare professional, including medical history and other diagnostic tools.
Using the Results
The Vanderbilt Scale results should be interpreted by a qualified healthcare professional as part of a comprehensive evaluation. The scale helps identify:
- Presence and severity of ADHD symptoms
- Potential co-existing conditions
- Impact on academic and social functioning
- Differences in behavior across settings
Healthcare providers use these results alongside other clinical information to make diagnostic decisions and develop appropriate treatment plans.
Wolraich, M. L., Hannah, J. N., Baumgaertel, A., & Feurer, I. D. (1998). Examination of DSM-IV critieria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a county-wide sample. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 19, 162– 168.